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  • sgrunstein

Andrew Dalton's Elongated Tortoise

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

My animal pot is of an endangered elongated tortoise from the Assam State Zoo, Guwahati, India. The elongated tortoise is listed on the red list for endangered animals due to the mass harvesting problem with this animal.I chose this animal because interestingly enough the word “turtle” was my first word and turtles are just a fascinating animal to observe and look at. When making this project

I noticed the clay is so fun to work with. The textures are very nice to feel and clay makes me feel happy. I enjoy sitting there and molding the clay to create a vision into life. The hardest part of this project was correctly creating the head. I was constantly adjusting the height and size of the neck and head. As these animals are endangered the best way to help is to donate to the red list and other animal preservation organizations.


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