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  • sgrunstein

Elias Pyatt's Green Mantella Frog

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

My animal is the green Mantella frog. Its habitat is tropical dry forests and rivers. It's endangered due to habitat loss and pet trade. They are critically endangered because of this.

Agriculture, timber, human settlement, and fires degrade their natural population. I wanted to do this frog for my project because I like frogs. I have frogs and I think they’re cute and funny looking. To help populations of the tree frog, don't support pet trade of them. Besides that, you could donate or support organizations dedicated to helping endangered animals or the preservation of habitat specifically in Madagascar. During this project, I enjoyed sculpting the eyes and head of the frog. They were very easy to make and fix while being fun and rewarding. The most challenging part was either making its feet or forming its body. Its toes are very thin and easy to be crushed or deformed, and I had trouble with its proportions for making the pot within its abdomen. I was eventually able to form it into something I liked by studying the reference photo and trying to copy it's proportions, then building around it.

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